When I first discovered a Fiat X19, I thought it was amazing. It was like a little speedster but didn't have the clumsy convertible top or roundiness. It was a wedge. It was designed by Bertone, the Ferrari guy. I wanted one very badly. My best friend decided to loan me the money to buy a car.
After several bad deals, I found one that I liked. The problem was, my best friend liked it too! ...he kept it. We kept looking until we found another one and then we had matching cars again (for a short time). Eventually, we killed this car. I bought it from him cheap and tried to get it fixed but it wasn't worth the money or effort and I sold it for scrap.
1979 Fiat X19

1979 Fiat X19
May your passion be the kernel of corn stuck between your molars, always reminding you there's something to tend to. ~Jeb Dickerson