Personal website of Jack Marvin

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1997 Pontiac Trans Am

1997 Pontiac Trans Am

1997 Pontiac Trans Am

I have liked Pontiac since the seventies with "Smokey and the Bandit" along with a girlfriend's roommate's "Knight Rider" car in the eighties. A friend of mine worked at a big dealership and had just custom ordered this car fully-loaded.

We decided to have him come work for me as part of a new team I was putting together. He had driven it for a few months and took it to the track a few times for the track times, but really couldn't afford it. He convinced me that "the boss" needed a nicer car than the assistant, so I bought it from him. this was the perfect car for commuting short distances in Southern California. Since I parked it in the garage, I just left the tops off as a convertible all the time. the kids would yell and wave when I drove by in the morning, I guess they could tell it was something new and special, ...or perhaps they'd been watching Night Rider re-runs?? This was the newest car I've ever owned. It cost $1,500 per month for about a year and a half and then it was paid for. Over the past 25+ years, that car and I have had some pretty amazing adventures and we're still going. For most of my life that has been "my car" so I might as well keep it at this point. It's almost collectible.

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A gun gives you the body, not the bird. ~Henry David Thoreau