Alright, I never attended Johns Hopkins University but I was part of a multi-year study they did on school children across the country. The "Project for the Study of Academic Precocity" was a program to determine at an early age who the children were with the aptitude to excel.
By the sixth-grade, I was tested at a 12.9 grade-level across the board. My counselors and parents knew I would not be challenged and would quickly get bored if they couldn't get me into more advanced programs. They were right. This program provided opportunities for me which otherwise would not have existed. Unfortunately, with all the moving around I did and the multitude of schools I attended, I was unable to participate to a meaningful extent. On rare occasion I will hear someone mention that program and we instantly become kindred souls.
Johns Hopkins University

Johns Hopkins University
When they go fishing, it is not really fish they are after. It is a philosophic meditation. ~E.T. Brown