Personal website of Jack Marvin

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1982 Toyota Corolla

1982 Toyota Corolla

1982 Toyota Corolla

I got this Toyota Corolla from my sister-in-law when she upgraded. This little car was awesome. I drove it all across the country and lived in it for about six months. I took it off-road, over hills and far away and it never let me down.

I must have pushed it half way across the country but mainly because I kept running out of gas and had no money, but repairs were easy as well. This car convinced me that Toyota's go forever and get a million miles per gallon. I'm a believer. In the end, I had to pull the axle and straighten it with a hammer then cut new splines with a file to get it driving again. I cleaned it up and sold it for around a thousand bucks to some guy buying a present for his little sister. The last I saw it, he had a new seat and door panel and was off to rebuild it!

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A gun gives you the body, not the bird. ~Henry David Thoreau