Personal website of Jack Marvin

  • Drew Houston
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  • Chris Dixon
  • David Karp
  • Angelo Sotira
  • Dennis Crowley
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Alhambra High School

Alhambra High School

Alhambra High School

I switched schools when I went to live with my Dad and Stepmom. I was instantly accepted into the drama program and given my choice of positions since I was one of the few thespians and had experience running large crews. It was a lot of fun.

I even returned to the stage in my acting re-debut having been many years since the fiery Christmas baby of death incident!

I didn't have my own car yet but some of my friends did. We would tube the river and see drive-in flicks. We had as many parties as possible. The drinking age back then was eighteen and I was only fifteen, but I had a little mustacheo and a fake ID. I was the guy who would show up with champagne or wine for the girls. That didn't hurt my popularity at all. I had a lot of friends. You fly, I'll buy.

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J Marvin's Favorite Stuff

  • Click for Food: Thai Image Food: Thai
  • Click for Beer: Miller Lite Image Beer: Miller Lite
  • Click for Music: Rock Image Music: Rock
  • Click for Band: Placebo Image Band: Placebo
  • Click for Car: Detamaso Pantera Image Car: Detamaso Pantera
  • Click for Sport: Billiards Image Sport: Billiards
  • Click for Game: Battlefield 2 Image Game: Battlefield 2
  • Click for Color: 652 C (Blue) Image Color: 652 C (Blue)
  • Click for Artist: Michael Mobius Image Artist: Michael Mobius
  • Click for Movie: Star Wars Image Movie: Star Wars
  • Click for Accent: Ukrainian Image Accent: Ukrainian

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A gun gives you the body, not the bird. ~Henry David Thoreau